D.Shiki Premium Dessert House MBJB Business License

Conzlab assisted D.Shiki Premium Dessert House for MBJB Business License application
May 24, 2023 by
D.Shiki Premium Dessert House MBJB Business License

MBJB Business License

D.Shiki Premium Dessert House

As you can tell bythe name of the store, it is a showflake ice shop the specializes in duian.
Located on Nanyang Street in Mount Austin D.shiki Premium Dessert House is a shop that sells a series of mouth-watering snowflake ices make with fresh fruits the store is very generous and adds whole durian pulp directly inte rhe snowflakes ice. the taste is really rich. of course, there are also cunstomores who dont like durian . 

Issues Faced by Owner 

Business License

While setting up your business at a new location, the most basic requirement from the Malaysian government is a valid business license, but most entrepreneurs aren't familiar with the procedure of application and type of documents required for the application. Furthermore, if a business operates without a business license, entrepreneurs will get summon by government up to RM20,000

Signboard License

A signboard license is a mandatory requirement when applying for a business license. Before applying for a signboard license from your local council, it needs to be certified by Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP) beforehand. More often than not, business owners choose to use a different name from their registered SSM for their business signboard. Or use a language other from Bahasa Melayu. These are the common reason for being rejected by DBP and it'll hinder the process of getting the signboard license. This will then snowball into a bigger issue, hindering business license application.


In the food and beverages industry, Food Safety Information of Malaysia (FoSIM) by Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) is also a mandatory certification needed by entrepreneurs as a proof to their customers that their premise and products are hygienic and safe to be at/for consumption. Businesses in the F&B line that does not own a FoSIM will be compounded by KKM.

Conzlab's Service & Solution 
Conzlab 提供的服务与解决方案

Free Consultation

At Conzlab, we provide free consultation to entrepreneurs, recommending suitable solutions and actions that best fits their case. As your business support and consultant, we will advise entrepreneurs on the application process, documentations required, and the amount of time needed for each process. We, at Conzlab, will also be able to assist in all governmental departments with the application for your business license.

Free 24/7 Support Group via WhatsApp

We understand that entrepreneurs tend to face various issues when dealing with different governmental departments. With our WhatsApp support group, entrepreneurs can feel free to seek us out for support and solutions whenever they're facing related issues.

MDKT Business License, Signboard License & FoSIM

Different local councils will have different requirements. This is also a challenge for the company that has been expanding their business in various different states in Malaysia. When we authorize and assist Bask Bear Coffee, we prepared the required documents and communicate with the local council in the area. We handed over the MBJB business license 2023 to the outlet.

We believe that assisting customers is more efficient than just providing advice to customers.

Penny Legal Advisor • Founder of Conzlab

D.Shiki Premium Dessert House MBJB Business License
CONZLAB BERHAD, Penny Lim May 24, 2023