- Changes in company details involve updating information registered with the Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM) to reflect any modifications in the company’s structure or operations. These changes include amendments to company name, registered address, directors, shareholders, or business activities.
GOV Department
- Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) / Companies Commission of Malaysia
License Name (Malay)
- Perubahan Maklumat Syarikat
- Applicable to private limited companies (Sdn Bhd) and other registered entities.
- Examples of changes include:
- Updating company name or trade name.
- Altering the registered address or business location.
- Adding or removing directors or shareholders.
- Modifying business activities or nature of operations.
- All changes must be reported to SSM using the appropriate forms (e.g., Form 13A for name changes, Form 49 for director/shareholder updates).
Important Rules
- Companies must notify SSM of any changes within 14 days of the change occurring, as required by the Companies Act 2016.
- Supporting documents, such as board resolutions or shareholder agreements, must accompany the application.
- Failure to update SSM records accurately or timely is considered a breach of compliance.
- The updated details must align with the company’s constitution and any other regulatory requirements.
Compound & Punishment
- Failure to notify SSM of changes within the required time frame may result in:
- Fines up to RM50,000 or imprisonment for directors, depending on the severity of the breach.
- Suspension of company operations for non-compliance.
- Providing false or misleading information can lead to legal action and additional penalties.
Jeffrey Eh Hao Yih , Director
Jeffrey has been providing expert guidance for businesses dealing with ongoing challenges. With his expertise, he aids clients in strategic business planning, streamlining operations, and enhancing productivity. Additionally, Jeffrey offers diverse business technology services to help digitize traditional businesses effectively.